StarDot Knowledge Base

Image Properties

Article ID: 106
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020
Auto vs. Manual - Unless you have a controlled (fixed) lighting condition, you will almost always want to leave Auto Exposure enabled.
Enabling Auto Exposure causes NetCam to automatically adjust the image exposure based on the overall brightness of the image. The following functions are only implemented when Auto Exposure is enabled.

Brightness - The higher the number, the brighter the picture. The default value is 50.

Sensitivity - This value rarely needs to be adjusted. It sets the sensitivity of the Auto Exposure code. The default value is 10.

Min & Max - Min is the minimum exposure NetCam will expose images at (default is 0). Max is the maximum exposure NetCam will expose images at (default is 12500, 1/5 second).
MANUAL EXPOSURE Enabling Manual Exposure causes NetCam to expose images at the value placed in the Exposure field. Keep in mind that using manual exposure is not advised for outdoor imaging, since the light conditions are constantly changing. You may opt to use manual exposure indoors if your lighting conditions do not change. Here are some sample values and their fractional equivalents:
50 = 1/1000 second
100 = 1/500 second
250 = 1/200 second
500 = 1/100 second
833 = 1/60 second
     1667 = 1/30 second
3333 = 1/15 second
6250 = 1/8 second*
12500 = 1/4 second*
25000 = 1/2 second*
*May introduce CCD pixel noise.
RESOLUTION Resolution is the dimensional size of the NetCam image, measured in pixels, horizontal by vertical. The maximum resolution of NetCam is 640x480 and the minimum is 96x80 color (80x60 grayscale). The higher the resolution, the larger the picture appears in your browser, and the longer it takes to download (and the longer it takes for NetCam to process and create).
Default: 320x240
SATURATION This represents the amount of color in the image. The higher the number, the more saturated the color.
Default: 1200
GAMMA Gamma correction is a post-processing enhancement that increases the detail in shadowy areas of the image. The higher the value, lighter the shadows, at the expense of increased haziness.
Default: 1700
INTENSITY Intensity is a post-processing enhancement that increases the brightness of the image. This should not be confused with the brightness under the auto exposure settings, which is a pre-processing setting. Intensity artificially brightens the image after it's already been exposed and color processed. In most applications, the default of 1024 (no intensity change) is recommended. If you have a dark lighting situation, you can experiment by increasing this value. For example, 2048 doubles the brightness. You will most likely need to adjust the auto exposure brightness to counter balance the effect (to prevent images that appear overexposed).
Default: 1024
HAZE Haze is a factory setting and should normally not be changed.
Default: 10
JPEG QUALITY The JPEG Quality is a balance between lossy image compression and image quality. The higher the number, the less compression artifacts in the image, but the bigger the file size. A value higher than 90 is not recommended, as it greatly increases the filesize with very little noticeable difference in image quality.
Default: 70
SHARPEN When enabled, software sharpening is performed on the live image. For the best image quality, sharpen should be on.
Default: On
AUTO COLOR BALANCE Enabling Auto Color Balance causes NetCam to automatically adjust the color balance of the image based on the content of the image. In most situations, you will want Auto Color Balance enabled.
Default: On
MANUAL COLOR BALANCE Enabling Manual Color Balance causes NetCam to use the manually configurable Red, Green and Blue values to set the color balance of the image. You may want use manual color balance if you have a fixed lighting situation.

R - This represents the amount of red in the image.
G - This represents the amount of green in the image.
B - This represents the amount of blue in the image.

Note: As a starting point for setting manual color balance values, enable Auto Color Balance and place the current R, G, B values in the image overlay. Sample overlay string: Red: $r Green: $g Blue: $b. Once you see the current values of the image, you can place those in the R, G, B settings and have a manually balanced image.

Sample Manual Color Settings

Fluorescent Lighting: R=1890, G=1024, B=2940
Sunlight: R=1910, G=1024, B=1430
LED SNAP INDICATOR When enabled, the LED on the front of the camera will blink a green warning and turn red each time it snaps an image. This will delay the update rate of the live images, but let you know when the images are being snapped.
Default: Off
Article ID: 106
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Comments: 0