StarDot Knowledge Base

Why are people/cars blurry on my camera image?

Article ID: 67
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020

The exposure is too long and should be limited.  You'll need to log in to your camera and go to the image tab.  From there you can limit the max exposure. Here are some exposure examples.  Keep in mind that the lower the number, the shorter the exposure:

48 = 1/1000 second (0.0001)
96 = 1/500 second (0.002)
240 = 1/200 second (0.005)
480 = 1/100 second (0.01)
800 = 1/60 second (0.1666)
960 = 1/50 second (0.020)
     1600 = 1/30 second (0.0333)
3200 = 1/15 second (0.0666)*
6000 = 1/8 second (0.125)*
12000 = 1/4 second (0.25)*
24000 = 1/2 second (0.5)*
32767 = 0.7 seconds (maximum exposure)*
*May introduce pixel noise.

The aperture (iris) setting will also affect the exposure.  The more that the iris is closed, the less light that will make it to the sensor, resulting in a longer exposure.  Our NetCam XL 3MP and SC series allow you to have the iris opened 90% which will allow more light in.  All other cameras will need to have the iris closed down to a pinhole (f16), or with the VGA and 1.3MP XL cameras, an auto-iris lens can be used.

Article ID: 67
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Comments: 0