StarDot Knowledge Base

How do I find my NetCam/Video server's IP address?

Article ID: 78
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020

If you are running a PC running Windows, you can use StarDot Tools.  Provided that you are on the same network as your StarDot device, StarDot Tools will display the MAC address (camera ID), IP address, and device type. If you do not have StarDot Tools or are on a Macintosh, you will have to find it in your router's DHCP table. This is sometimes referred to as "connected devices". Look for the MAC address of your StarDot device and you should see an IP next to it.  Please refer to your router documention on how to find attached devices.  If you are on a remote network, please refer to the following articles:

Article ID: 78
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Comments: 0