StarDot Knowledge Base

Overlay Properties

Article ID: 93
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020

Any text entered into this field will be stamped onto the live image. In addition to static text, the current date and time can also become part of the text on the live image. This is handled through markup characters. For instance, %d inserts the current day on the live image. There is a complete list of markup characters below and a mini reference on the Overlay Properties page itself.

Default: NetCam SC %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y


Determines the size of the text.

  • 1x = Original size
  • 2x = Double size
  • 3x = Triple size
  • 4x = Quadruple size

All of the following markup characters can be used in the text overlay. Additionally, any date/time markups (preceded by the % character) can be used to compose the filenames in the FTP configuration, which is very useful for archiving images with unique filenames (based on the current date and time for instance).

Date & Time Shortcut Markups
%r Time String [HH:MM:SS AM/PM]
%T Time String, Military [HH:MM:SS]
Date Markups
%Y Year, Four-Digit [2000-2199]
%y Year, Two-Digit [00-99]
%m Month, Numerical [01-12]
%B Month, Full [January-December]
%b Month, Abbreviated [Jan-Dec]
%U Week of Year (Starting with Sunday) [00-52]
%W Week of Year (Starting with Monday) [00-52]
%d Day of Month [01-31]
%w Day of Week, Numerical (Sunday=0) [0-6]
%u Day of Week, Numerical (Monday=1) [1-7]
%A Day of Week, Full [Sunday-Saturday]
%a Day of Week, Abbreviated [Sun-Sat]
%j Day of Year (Julian Day) [001-366]
%p AM/PM, Uppercase
Time Markups
%H Hour, Military [00-23]
%I Hour, Standard [01-12]
%M Minute [00-59]
%S Second [00-59]
$[ Milliseconds [000-999]
Symbol Markups
%% Percent Sign, %
\251 Copyright Sign (or copy/paste © )
\256 Registered Sign (or copy/paste ® )
\260 Degrees Symbol (or copy/paste º )
\261 Plus-Minus Symbol (or copy/paste ± )
Miscellaneous Markups
$I Video Input Number (video servers only)
$n Frame Number
$u Uptime
${IF} Internal Temperature (F)
${IC} Internal Temperature (C)
${F} Weather Station Temperature (F)
${C} Weather Station Temperature (C)
${HUM} Weather Station Relative Humidity
${MB} Weather Station Barometric Pressure in Millibars (hPa)
${HGIN} Weather Station Barometric Pressure in Inches of Mercury
${HGMM} Weather Station Barometric Pressure in Millimeters of Mercury
${Z} Timezone
Article ID: 93
Last updated: 11 Jun, 2020
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Comments: 0